Inspire-Tech Pte Ltd is proud to receive the Data Protection Trustmark (DPTM) Certification, administered by the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA).
DPTM is a voluntary enterprise-wide certification awarded to organizations that demonstrate accountable data protection practices consistently. The DPTM is invaluable in helping businesses increase their competitive advantage and build trust with their customers and stakeholders.

Why does the DPTM matters to Inspire-Tech?
Data Protection at the heart of everything we do. We work closely with government bodies and enterprises to implement our products, EasiShare and GigaCentral, in their ecosystem, so as to better enable their overall data security strategy.
At the same time, the DPTM is a good opportunity for us to:
1) Fine-tune the way we manage and care for the personal data of our customers
2) Attain formal recognition of our policies and practices put in place
Data Protection does not stop with a certification
With threat actors continually finding new ways to steal our data, a certification is not a means to an end. We must stay up to date with the latest threat landscape and work on these 3 key areas continuously to futureproof our data protection journey:
People: Most cyber breaches are often credited to human errors, affirming that people are the weakest link in cybersecurity. With sound security practices in place, we can turn employees into “human firewalls” which will help us address data breaches.
Process: Sensible policies and processes can enable sound security practices. On the other hand, draconian controls and/or inconvenient procedures slow down employees’ productivity. This can abet them to bypass security controls in a frail bid to work more effectively, and consequently exposing organisations open to threats.
Technology: Technology is an invariable enabler in preventing, detecting and responding to data threats. Organisations must first identify the data risks they face, and then start to consider what controls to put in place, and the technologies that enable these controls.
Kickstart your data protection journey today! Visit the official IMDA official website for more information on the DPTM.